controller in SSRS :
protected void prePromptModifyContract()
DeliveryOrderContract contract;
TECDeliveryOrderTable TECDeliveryOrderTable;
FormDataSource fds;
str range;
contract = this parmReportContrat().parmRDPContract() as TECDeliveryOrderTable;
TECDeliveryOrderTable = args.record();
fds = args.record().datasource();
How does your class look like?
Just to be sure, I'll show you a step by step
1. You create a class which extends from SrsReportRunController. Then you define a macro with the report name and the Data Contract class.
class forecastController extends SrsReportRunController
forecastContract dataContract;
2. Next you create a main method
public static client void main(args _args)
forecastController controller = new forecastController();
3. Now you override the prePromptModifyContract method
protected void prePromptModifyContract()
args Args;
Args = this.parmArgs();
dataContract = this.parmReportContract().parmRdpContract();
dataContract.parmProjid(Args.record().(fieldnum(forecastTable, Projid)));
4. Then you create a Menu Item and choose the Controller class as the object
5. On the form you create a new Menut Item button and set the property "CopyCallerQuery" to "Yes". Then you choose the created Menu Item as the MenuItemName for the button.
That should make it work then.
protected void prePromptModifyContract()
DeliveryOrderContract contract;
TECDeliveryOrderTable TECDeliveryOrderTable;
FormDataSource fds;
str range;
contract = this parmReportContrat().parmRDPContract() as TECDeliveryOrderTable;
TECDeliveryOrderTable = args.record();
fds = args.record().datasource();
How does your class look like?
Just to be sure, I'll show you a step by step
1. You create a class which extends from SrsReportRunController. Then you define a macro with the report name and the Data Contract class.
class forecastController extends SrsReportRunController
forecastContract dataContract;
2. Next you create a main method
public static client void main(args _args)
forecastController controller = new forecastController();
3. Now you override the prePromptModifyContract method
protected void prePromptModifyContract()
args Args;
Args = this.parmArgs();
dataContract = this.parmReportContract().parmRdpContract();
dataContract.parmProjid(Args.record().(fieldnum(forecastTable, Projid)));
4. Then you create a Menu Item and choose the Controller class as the object
5. On the form you create a new Menut Item button and set the property "CopyCallerQuery" to "Yes". Then you choose the created Menu Item as the MenuItemName for the button.
That should make it work then.
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