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Wednesday, November 22, 2017

controller in SSRS

controller in SSRS :

protected void prePromptModifyContract()
DeliveryOrderContract contract;
TECDeliveryOrderTable TECDeliveryOrderTable;
FormDataSource fds;
str range;

contract = this parmReportContrat().parmRDPContract() as TECDeliveryOrderTable;
TECDeliveryOrderTable = args.record();
fds = args.record().datasource();


How does your class look like?

Just to be sure, I'll show you a step by step

1. You create a class which extends from SrsReportRunController. Then you define a macro with the report name and the Data Contract class.

class forecastController extends SrsReportRunController
   forecastContract   dataContract;

2. Next you create a main method

public static client void main(args _args)
   forecastController controller = new forecastController();


3. Now you override the prePromptModifyContract method

protected void prePromptModifyContract()
   args   Args;


   Args = this.parmArgs();

   dataContract = this.parmReportContract().parmRdpContract();
   dataContract.parmProjid(Args.record().(fieldnum(forecastTable, Projid)));

4. Then you create a Menu Item and choose the Controller class as the object

5. On the form you create a new Menut Item button and set the property "CopyCallerQuery" to "Yes". Then you choose the created Menu Item as the MenuItemName for the button.

That should make it work then.


A financial dimension value is based on the record and has been used on a transaction. You cannot delete the record

  SOLUTION delete in table DimensionAttributeLevelValue base on Bank Account  :  and Delete the Bank Account FINISH