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Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Datasource Save, method execution order in x++

Datasource Save, method execution order in x++ :

When saving records in a form in Dynamics AX a lot of methods are fired off both on the form as well as on the table itself. I haven’t found another flow diagram describing what methods are fired and in what order, so I tested and found the results displayed in the diagram to the left:

  1. Form’s Validate() method on the datasource is called
  2. When super() is called with in the validate() method, the table’s validateField() method is called for each field
  3. Code placed after the super() in the form’s validate method is called
  4. Form’s validateWrite() method on the datasource is called
  5. When the super() is called in the validateWrite() method, the table’s validateWrite() method is called
  6. Code placed after the super() in the form’s validateWrite() method is called
  7. Form’s write() method is called.
  8. When the super() is called in the write() method, the table’s insert() method is called.
  9. Code placed after the super() in the form’s write() method is called.


A financial dimension value is based on the record and has been used on a transaction. You cannot delete the record

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