Get product attributes from X++ :
The product
attributes is a nice feature, where we can add attributes to the products
without adding any additional fields on to the inventory table.
But I wanted to be
able to fetch out only the attribute names and values from X++, that had
Here is how I
solved it.
static void Demo_GetProductAttributes(Args _args)
inventTable InventTable;
EcoResProductAttributeValue ecoResProductAttributeValue;
EcoResAttribute ecoResAttribute;
EcoResValue ecoResValue;
while select InventTable where InventTable.itemid == "1604"
join RecId from ecoResProductAttributeValue
where ecoResProductAttributeValue.Product == InventTable.Product
join Name from ecoResAttribute
where ecoResProductAttributeValue.Attribute == ecoResAttribute.RecId
join ecoResValue
where ecoResValue.RecId == ecoResProductAttributeValue.Value
info(strFmt("%1 - %2 - %3", InventTable.ItemId, ecoResAttribute.Name, ecoResValue.value()));
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