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Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Public Void with parameter using x++

Public Void with parameter using x++ :

public void addData(TransDate fromDate, TransDate toDate,
                    InventLocationId warehouse, RefRecId planVersionId)
    TIDBOB      BOB, BOB2;
    TIDBOBTmp   BOBTmp;
    InventDim   inventDim;
    ItemId      tmpItemId;
    TransDate   date1, date2;
    str         datetmp1, datetmp2;
    int         m, y;

    m = mthOfYr(fromDate);
    m = m - 1;
    y = year(fromDate);

    if (m == 0)
        m = 12;
        y = y - 1;

    datetmp1 = int2str(m)+'/25/'+int2str(y);
    date1 = str2Date(datetmp1, 213);
    date2 = dateEndMth(date1);

    inventDim.InventLocationId  = warehouse;
    inventDim.InventSiteId      = InventLocation::find(warehouse).InventSiteId;
    inventDim                   = InventDim::findOrCreate(inventDim);

    if (warehouse != '')
        while select BOB order by BOB.ItemId
            where BOB.ReqDateDlv >= dateStartMth(fromDate)
               && BOB.ReqDateDlv <= dateEndMth(toDate)
               && BOB.InventLocationId == warehouse
               && BOB.PlanVersionid == planVersionId
            if (tmpItemId == BOB.ItemId) || !tmpItemId)
                this.PrintDate          = dateStartMth(fromDate);
                this.InventLocationId   = warehouse;
                this.ItemId             = BOB.ItemId;
                this.UnitId             = InventTable::find(BOB.ItemId).inventUnitId();
                this.CreateDate         = BOB.CreateDate;
                this.PlanVersionId      = BOB.PlanVersionid;

                if (dayOfMth(BOB.ReqDateDlv) >= 1 && dayOfMth(BOB.ReqDateDlv) <= 5)
                    this.qtyperiode1 += BOB.Qty;

                if (dayOfMth(BOB.ReqDateDlv) >= 6 && dayOfMth(BOB.ReqDateDlv) <= 10)
                    this.qtyperiode2 += BOB.Qty;

                if (dayOfMth(BOB.ReqDateDlv) >= 11 && dayOfMth(BOB.ReqDateDlv) <= 15)
                    this.qtyperiode3 += BOB.Qty;

                if (dayOfMth(BOB.ReqDateDlv) >= 16 && dayOfMth(BOB.ReqDateDlv) <= 20)
                    this.qtyperiode4 += BOB.Qty;

                if (dayOfMth(BOB.ReqDateDlv) >= 21 && dayOfMth(BOB.ReqDateDlv) <= 25)
                    this.qtyperiode5 += BOB.Qty;

                if (dayOfMth(BOB.ReqDateDlv) >= 26 && dayOfMth(BOB.ReqDateDlv) <= 31)
                    this.qtyperiode6 += BOB.Qty;


                this.PrintDate          = dateStartMth(fromDate);
                this.InventLocationId   = warehouse;
                this.ItemId             = BOB.ItemId;
                this.UnitId             = InventTable::find(BOB.ItemId).inventUnitId();
                this.CreateDate         = BOB.CreateDate;
                this.PlanVersionId      = BOB.PlanVersionid;
                this.qtyperiode1        = 0;
                this.qtyperiode2        = 0;
                this.qtyperiode3        = 0;
                this.qtyperiode4        = 0;
                this.qtyperiode5        = 0;
                this.qtyperiode6        = 0;

                if (dayOfMth(BOB.ReqDateDlv) >= 1 && dayOfMth(BOB.ReqDateDlv) <= 5)
                    this.qtyperiode1 += BOB.Qty;

                if (dayOfMth(BOB.ReqDateDlv) >= 6 && dayOfMth(BOB.ReqDateDlv) <= 10)
                    this.qtyperiode2 += BOB.Qty;

                if (dayOfMth(BOB.ReqDateDlv) >= 11 && dayOfMth(BOB.ReqDateDlv) <= 15)
                    this.qtyperiode3 += BOB.Qty;

                if (dayOfMth(BOB.ReqDateDlv) >= 16 && dayOfMth(BOB.ReqDateDlv) <= 20)
                    this.qtyperiode4 += BOB.Qty;

                if (dayOfMth(BOB.ReqDateDlv) >= 21 && dayOfMth(BOB.ReqDateDlv) <= 25)
                    this.qtyperiode5 += BOB.Qty;

                if (dayOfMth(BOB.ReqDateDlv) >= 26 && dayOfMth(BOB.ReqDateDlv) <= 31)
                    this.qtyperiode6 += BOB.Qty;

                // Menambahkan quantity period terakhir 1 bulan sebelumnya

                select sum(Qty) from BOB2
                    where BOB2.ReqDateDlv >= date1
                       && BOB2.ReqDateDlv <= date2
                       && BOB2.InventLocationId == warehouse
                       && BOB2.ItemId == tmpItemId;

                    update_recordSet BOBTmp
                        setting qtyperiode0 = BOB2.qty
                            where BOBTmp.ItemId == tmpItemId;

            tmpItemId = BOB.ItemId;

        // Menambahkan quantity period terakhir 1 bulan sebelumnya

                select sum(Qty) from BOB2
                    where BOB2.ReqDateDlv >= date1
                       && BOB2.ReqDateDlv <= date2
                       && BOB2.InventLocationId == warehouse
                       && BOB2.ItemId == tmpItemId;

                    update_recordSet BOBTmp
                        setting qtyperiode0 = BOB2.qty
                            where BOBTmp.ItemId == tmpItemId;
        while select BOB order by BOB.ItemId
            where BOB.ReqDateDlv >= dateStartMth(fromDate)
               && BOB.ReqDateDlv <= dateEndMth(toDate)
            if (tmpItemId == BOB.ItemId || !tmpItemId)
                this.PrintDate          = dateStartMth(fromDate);
                this.InventLocationId   = warehouse;
                this.ItemId             = BOB.ItemId;
                this.UnitId             = InventTable::find(BOB.ItemId).inventUnitId();
                this.CreateDate         = BOB.CreateDate;

                if (dayOfMth(BOB.ReqDateDlv) >= 1 && dayOfMth(BOB.ReqDateDlv) <= 5)
                    this.qtyperiode1 += BOB.Qty;

                if (dayOfMth(BOB.ReqDateDlv) >= 6 && dayOfMth(BOB.ReqDateDlv) <= 10)
                    this.qtyperiode2 += BOB.Qty;

                if (dayOfMth(BOB.ReqDateDlv) >= 11 && dayOfMth(BOB.ReqDateDlv) <= 15)
                    this.qtyperiode3 += BOB.Qty;

                if (dayOfMth(BOB.ReqDateDlv) >= 16 && dayOfMth(BOB.ReqDateDlv) <= 20)
                    this.qtyperiode4 += BOB.Qty;

                if (dayOfMth(BOB.ReqDateDlv) >= 21 && dayOfMth(BOB.ReqDateDlv) <= 25)
                    this.qtyperiode5 += BOB.Qty;

                if (dayOfMth(BOB.ReqDateDlv) >= 26 && dayOfMth(BOB.ReqDateDlv) <= 31)
                    this.qtyperiode6 += BOB.Qty;


                this.PrintDate          = dateStartMth(fromDate);
                this.InventLocationId   = warehouse;
                this.ItemId             = BOB.ItemId;
                this.UnitId             = InventTable::find(BOB.ItemId).inventUnitId();
                this.CreateDate         = BOB.CreateDate;
                this.qtyperiode1        = 0;
                this.qtyperiode2        = 0;
                this.qtyperiode3        = 0;
                this.qtyperiode4        = 0;
                this.qtyperiode5        = 0;
                this.qtyperiode6        = 0;

                if (dayOfMth(BOB.ReqDateDlv) >= 1 && dayOfMth(BOB.ReqDateDlv) <= 5)
                    this.qtyperiode1 += BOB.Qty;

                if (dayOfMth(BOB.ReqDateDlv) >= 6 && dayOfMth(BOB.ReqDateDlv) <= 10)
                    this.qtyperiode2 += BOB.Qty;

                if (dayOfMth(BOB.ReqDateDlv) >= 11 && dayOfMth(BOB.ReqDateDlv) <= 15)
                    this.qtyperiode3 += BOB.Qty;

                if (dayOfMth(BOB.ReqDateDlv) >= 16 && dayOfMth(BOB.ReqDateDlv) <= 20)
                    this.qtyperiode4 += BOB.Qty;

                if (dayOfMth(BOB.ReqDateDlv) >= 21 && dayOfMth(BOB.ReqDateDlv) <= 25)
                    this.qtyperiode5 += BOB.Qty;

                if (dayOfMth(BOB.ReqDateDlv) >= 26 && dayOfMth(BOB.ReqDateDlv) <= 31)
                    this.qtyperiode6 += BOB.Qty;

                // Menambahkan quantity period terakhir 1 bulan sebelumnya

                select sum(Qty) from BOB2
                    where BOB2.ReqDateDlv >= date1
                       && BOB2.ReqDateDlv <= date2
                       && BOB2.InventLocationId == warehouse
                       && BOB2.ItemId == tmpItemId;

                    update_recordSet BOBTmp
                        setting qtyperiode0 = BOB2.qty
                            where BOBTmp.ItemId == tmpItemId;

            tmpItemId = BOB.ItemId;

        // Menambahkan quantity period terakhir 1 bulan sebelumnya

                select sum(Qty) from BOB2
                    where BOB2.ReqDateDlv >= date1
                       && BOB2.ReqDateDlv <= date2
                       && BOB2.InventLocationId == warehouse
                       && BOB2.ItemId == tmpItemId;

                    update_recordSet BOBTmp
                        setting qtyperiode0 = BOB2.qty
                            where BOBTmp.ItemId == tmpItemId;


A financial dimension value is based on the record and has been used on a transaction. You cannot delete the record

  SOLUTION delete in table DimensionAttributeLevelValue base on Bank Account  :  and Delete the Bank Account FINISH